Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Kurdistan Oil, Cont'd



So, BIG life changes in the past month! Moving back into the country, home and then south to San Diego. Big life changes, but some things are good and stable. I've sought out all those good, stable, dependable things in an effort to counterbalance all the change. And now I'm at the end of a month of de- and re-stabilization. Here's a short (and hopefully sweet) recap of my findings...

Being next to the water is universal-ish. The San Diego bay was a bit reminiscent of Istanbul, sans the 10million extra people, skyline of minarets, nightly fireworks and palaces. Nevertheless, it has a similar effect on the psyche.

Below are some pictures from a night out with my older sister Stephanie. We dined at Peohe's Restaurant on Coronado. The food was not bad, but also not amazing. Cool design in the restaurant and nice because it's right on the water.


And the San Diego sunset...something I really looked forward to, and didn't let me down in the least :). How ridiculously lucky I am to live in a place where I can run along this every day? 

I went back to the bay this weekend and got even MORE stabilization via suburbia: 


ah the rows of houses and cars, little coffee shops, the newly paved everything, shiny libraries and neatly planted trees. oh, SUBURBIA! 
and finally, the most stabilizing of all forces, the family...a couple of pictures from this weekend and one from christmas because i couldn't find a more recent whole-family picture.