Friday, January 22, 2010

My One Month Anniversary : Back in America

A couple of days ago, I realized that I've been back in the U.S. of A. for almost one month now. One month ago today, I packed up and left Istanbul, marking the end of a 6 month adventure in an amazing country.

So, what are my thoughts now? Of the past month, of those six, of the's a slew of them.

On the past month: It's all just sort of "happened." Essays, work, sorority life...all just started happening and I got completely lost in it. It's been a rough adjustment, if you could even call it that. Almost nothing is as I expected it to be, and I've spent the past month in half a daze, going through the motions and completing all the tasks but my heart's been out of it for sure.

On Wednesday I had a strong and strange epiphany over a killer black tea at Peet's Coffee: it's time to get a move on now. Time to take control of my own damned life and make something with it! I'm here, this is how life is now and it is high time to move forward.

I flashed back to my birthday (was it only 4 months ago?) and the amazing feelings of empowerment that came along with my travels through southwestern Turkey. I tapped into those memories, reminded myself of how capable I am and briefly chastised myself for not doing enough with my life for a month. 

So, I wrote myself a long letter and 10 succinct, important goals, packed up my stuff and started on my new adventure.